Thursday, April 5, 2007

Bottoms Up

A Few weeks ago on CBC radio the lady broadcaster said, and I quote, "Mavor Moore has died, butt first. . ." then she was talking about something else. I pondered over my breakfast how a person might accomplish (if that's the word) such an exit? As I forked a lump of egg, the old "what came first" riddle went through my mind. The big question of course is: can a body somehow control what part goes first. In the overall scheme of things this could be a question of the utmost importance. If there actually is anything after death, I'm sure we would all like to make that great first impression. Arriving butt first may not be the ideal way. "Hey Pete, make sure that fat hairy ass keeps floatin' right on by!" Anyway, I've gotta go to bed now, but first. . . I think I'll have another wee nip o' nog.


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